Thursday, March 12, 2009


There are heartbreaking losses, then there are HEARTBREAKING losses. My Golden Grizzlies fell the other night to a good, experienced NDSU team. We basically had the game won, literally. We were playing good defense, we were scoring, we were up 12 with ten minutes left. Then it happened. NDSU went off for a 16-4 run to win the game. Woodside hit a jumper with 3.3 seconds left, Jones had a chance to win it with an NBA 3, but just barely missed. It took me a couple days to write about this loss, because frankly it still hurts. We had the game! We just gave it away. Thats twice in 3 years that we had the Championship locked, a trip to the NCAA's and lost it. If only Oakland would of kept feeding the ball to Benson and Hudson we would be conference Champs. Only if they didn't let tevidt hit a wide open 3 to take the lead would we be champs. UGH! The loss is still painful. I already can't wait till next year. We are going to be even better next with when Derek Nelson coming back. Transfer Larry Wright should fill in nicely in Kangas departure. Only 8 more months till the season starts....

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